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VDI 2552 Blatt 6 - Draft

Building information modeling - Facility management

At a glance

German title

Building Information Modeling - Betrieb

Publication date
End date of the objection deadline
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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BIM is geared towards the entire life cycle of a property. There is still a gap in understanding between planning and construction on the one hand and operation on the other. In order to make the greatest possible added value from the BIM method accessible to those involved in operation, they must be actively involved from the start of the project onwards and be included by the other parties involved. Operation is the longest and most cost-intensive phase in the life cycle of a property. Operation is just as complex a task as planning and construction and, in the best case, is supported by a CAFM system, possibly consisting of various components and digital tools. A CAFM system can contain a digital, continuously updated image of a property independently of a construction project. The digital image and its process-related link with other elements and participants are essential elements of the BIM method. The standard presents interrelationships and provides all parties involved with important information on the use of BIM for the operation of buildings.

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