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VDI 2872 Blatt 2 - Draft

Lean production systems - Lean enterprise system - Method catalog

At a glance

German title

Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme - Lean-Enterprise-System - Methodenkatalog

Publication date
End date of the objection deadline
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
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This standard presents 22 methods and the corresponding tools for the practical implementation of a Lean Enterprise. For a targeted application, these methods are assigned to five design principles and evaluated regarding their effect on the target dimensions "quality", "cost", and "time". Each method description is based on standardised method sheets. In addition to a short description, there are rules for the implementation of each method. The method description is concluded with a presentation of typical potentials and risks as well as practical examples. The standard addresses all manufacturing companies that aim to develop their company into a lean enterprise.

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