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Certification of courses and examinations in strain gauge measurement technology

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German title

Zertifizierung der Durchführung von Kursen und Prüfungen in Dehnungsmessstreifen-Messtechnik

Publication date
Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
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Available in
German, English

It is up to the user to install strain gauges on components and constructions to be examined, to establish the connection to suitable measuring amplifiers, to carry out the measurements, to evaluate them and to derive conclusions about the stress and operational safety. High-quality measurements thus require the use of suitable strain gauges as well as proper installation, instrumentation and strain evaluation. These activities to be carried out by the strain gauge user essentially influence the quality of the measurement and the statements about the stress on the component or the construction. Thus, the qualification of users at a consistently high level is of central importance. The prerequisite for this is the certification of the training personnel in accordance with this standard.

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