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VDI 2510 Blatt 4 - Entwurf

Automated guided vehicle systems (AGVS) - Power supply and charging technology

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Englischer Titel

Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) - Energieversorgung und Ladetechnik

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
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The energy supply is a fundamental component of industrial trucks and automated guided vehicles (AGVs). The functionality and operational reliability of these systems is essentially determined by the calculation, dimensioning and execution of a holistic energy concept. The standard differentiates between the following types of energy supply concepts for automated guided vehicles: transport systems with battery-powered vehicles; transport systems with permanently powered vehicles; transport systems with double-layer capacitors; transport systems with hybrid-powered vehicles. It describes the fundamentals for battery/capacitor and charging technology for AGVs, contactless energy transmission systems for AGVs, defines terms of battery/capacitor and charging technology in the AGV environment and addresses essential requirement features for AGVs. In addition, the procedure for project handling (project planning process), components and their interfaces, functions in components and systems as well as calculation method and system design are dealt with. The application of the standard ensures transparency for system procurement for simple as well as complex systems, higher project planning quality for system design, increase of system availability for the system user, guarantee of the function of the energy supply system and reduction of undefined follow-up costs and thus higher economic efficiency.

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