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VDI 2890

Planned maintenance - Instruction on creating of maintenance lists

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Planmäßige Instandhaltung - Anleitung zur Erstellung von Arbeits-, Wartungs- und Inspektionsplänen

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The standard covers the creation of maintenance and inspection plans and the associated working plans, including plant-security and safety, working periods, economy of maintenance and timely fulfilment of statutory provisions, rules and guidelines. It represents the state of the art for creating work plans and their integration in maintenance and inspection plans. Today maintenance depends on the process flows and is mapped according to the IT maintenance, planning and control systems. The standard shows the typical minimum requirements, but also procedures for mapping complex functionalities and process requirements. The standard applies to all technical goods requiring maintenance, services and test procedures during their life cycle. It provides guidance for maintenance-related machine documentation and helps in creation of business-related maintenance data throughout the entire life cycle for tests and activities in accordance with legal regulations and ordinances, maintenance and inspection activities, planned and preventive maintenance measures with plant shutdowns, periodic quality assurance measures with maintenance participation. The standard does not describe the design of maintenance planning and control systems, but the required functionalities. It explains the use and design of work plans and the integration in maintenance and inspection plans. The application of the standard helps to improve communication with the manufacturer, the integration in maintenance planning and control systems and the acquisition of manufacturer´s literature in the maintenance operation.

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