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VDI 3397 Blatt 4

Metalworking fluids (MWF) - Microbiology in water-miscible metalworking fluids - Measures to extend the duration of use and to preserve the quality of water-miscible metalworking fluids

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Englischer Titel

Kühlschmierstoffe (KSS) - Mikrobiologie in wassergemischten Kühlschmierstoffen - Maßnahmen zur Verlängerung der Anwendungsdauer und der Qualitätserhaltung von wassergemischten Kühlschmierstoffen

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The maintenance of water miscible metalworking fluids has the objective to preserve the properties of metalworking fluids during their use in machining and metal forming processes by the means of appropriate measures. This is in particular important for microbiological contamination. This standard describes the detection and reduction of microbiological contamination since it may affect human health as well as performance and lifetime of a metalworking fluid. The standard contains extensive information and recommendations on quantifying microbiological contamination as well as measures to reduce them with respect to recent scientific findings, current legislation and practical experience. The implementation of the maintenance measures described in this standard helps to maintain workers health and may extend the product lifetime, which directly reduces production costs and increases the process reliability.

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