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VDI 4062 Blatt 1 - Entwurf

Emergency evacuation of people - Fundamentals

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Evakuierung von Personen im Gefahrenfall - Grundlagen

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in

This standard applies to employers and operators responsible for the protection of colleagues as well as external persons. It has to be applied to all situations in-plant. The aim of an evacuation concept is life saving if installed protection measures will fail. Also preventative reasons can cause an evacuation. By means of an evacuation concept it has to be checked how in the case of plant specific dangers a safe leaving of dangerous sections can be possible and a re-entry can be avoided. The efficiency of the evacuation concept has to be controlled in regular intervals by means of exercises and the results have to be documented. Recognised improvement possibilities are to be included in the evacuation concept. The standard makes statements as to how this evacuation can be organised and implemented as self-rescue and describes the interfaces for rescuing other people, in particular individuals with disabilities. It provides the individual responsible for evacuation with an aid for preparing and carrying out the evacuation by means of problem-solving methods not restricted to a particular industry as well as by describing means (constructional and technical) and methods (organisational and individual-related).

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