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VDI 5706 Blatt 1

Management of hygienically relevant surfaces in medical facilities - Classification and design of hygienically relevant surfaces - Classification

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Management hygienisch relevanter Flächen in medizinischen Einrichtungen - Klassifizierung und Design hygienisch relevanter Flächen - Klassifizierung

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Technologies of Life Sciences
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This standard is used to classify surfaces into risk levels and hygiene classes, based on the area of use, the touch frequency and the associated risk of nosocomial infection or colonisation. The assessment of risk refers mainly to patients. Consideration of staff and third parties is possible. From the classification and the resulting hygiene classes, decisions can be derived for the necessary design of an area and for the determination of measures for cleaning/disinfection. The target groups of this standard are medical device manufacturers, users of medical devices and operators of medical facilities, manufacturers and users of objects in the medical environment, hospital planning persons and supervising authorities.

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