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VDI/DKD 5901 Blatt 2

Calibration of test and measuring equipment in automotive - Brake testers

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Englischer Titel

Kalibrierung von Prüf- und Messmitteln im Kraftfahrwesen - Bremsprüfstände

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Fahrzeug- und Verkehrstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The standard describes different calibration procedures for brake testers (roller and plate). The calibration procedures are fundamentally differentiated into dynamic and static procedures. Static calibration is possible via a lever-mass method as well as a comparison method with a reference force transducer. For these procedures, this standard defines the requirements for the calibration standards used, the measurement conditions, the measurement series, the performance, the minimum requirements for the calculation of the measurement uncertainty as well as the conformity assessment. The standard is addressed to all parties who calibrate or use brake testers in the automotive industry. In addition, the standard can serve as a basis for the revision or development of relevant regulations and/or directives.

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