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VDI/VDE 2617 Blatt 2.2

Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines - Characteristics and their testing - Form measurement with coordinate measuring machines

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Englischer Titel

Genauigkeit von Koordinatenmessgeräten - Kenngrößen und deren Prüfung - Formmessung mit Koordinatenmessgeräten

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) are universal measuring units for determining size, form and location. They permit the comprehensive, automatic measurement of workpieces in one clamping setup, even of skew or irregular form elements. CMMs are therefore also being used increasingly for the measurement of roundness, cylindricity, straightness, flatness and for line and surface tolerances. This revised standard helps to ensure the comparability and traceability of form measurement results obtained on coordinate measuring machines. As a result, it provides an answer to an urgent requirement, because standards and guidelines exist only for conventional form testers so far. The standard deals with machine characteristics, the principle of form measurement on CMMs and the effects of different influences on measuring deviations. Only those values are specified for permissible stylus tip diameters where no mechanical filtering is present when inside and outside diameters and the straightness are measured. For acceptance testing of purchased CMMs and for monitoring the machines used for form measurement artefacts are defined and the relevant test procedures are described.

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