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DIN CEN/TS 18044

Ambient air - Determination of the concentration of levoglucosan - Chromatographic method; German version CEN/TS 18044:2024

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German title

Außenluft - Bestimmung der Konzentration von Levoglucosan - Chromatographisches Verfahren; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 18044:2024

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
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This deliverable specifies a chromatographic method for the determination of levoglucosan in aqueous or organic extracts of filter samples collected in accordance with EN 12341:2014. The method has been tested for concentrations of approx. 10 ng/m3 up to approx. 3000 ng/m3 with a sampling duration of 24 hours. The procedure is also suitable for the determination of galactosan and mannosan. Depending on the analysis instrumentation used the carbohydrates inositol, glycerol, threitol/erythritol, xylitol, arabitol, sorbitol, mannitol, threalose, mannose, glucose, galactose, and fructose can also be determined. However, no performance characteristics are given for these compounds in this document. The responsible national standardisation committee is the working committee 134-04-02-01UA ‘Measurement of organic compounds (I) (VOC, PAH)´ in the DIN Standards Committee VDI/DIN Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL).

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