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DIN ISO 16000-30

Indoor air - Part 30: Sensory testing of indoor air (ISO 16000-30:2014)

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German title

Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Teil 30: Sensorische Prüfung der Innenraumluft (ISO 16000-30:2014)

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
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This part of ISO 16000 describes the procedure for the determination of indoor odours with trained or untrained panels. It describes assessment methods and planning, preparation and execution of the olfactory tests. It also includes criteria and requirements for selection of panel members. The methods can be applied to sensory evaluation with regard to acceptability, intensity and hedonics. Olfactory tests of indoor air can either be conducted on site or in a laboratory. In the latter case, air is collected from the site and transported to the laboratory in sampling containers. It is necessary to record the physical conditions in the room during the testing or the sampling of the air, as they can influence the perception of the odours. Odour testing is often required for hygiene inspections of indoor air. The evaluation of the reasonability of an odour is an essential part of such an examination. The olfactory testing is appropriate for office and administration buildings, assembly halls, residential buildings and other habitable rooms in which the comfort and health of the occupants is of interest.

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