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VDI 3867 Blatt 3

Measurement of particles in ambient air - Determination of the particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols - Electrical mobility spectrometer

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German title

Messen von Partikeln in der Außenluft - Bestimmung der Partikelanzahlkonzentration und Anzahlgrößenverteilung von Aerosolen - Elektrisches Mobilitätsspektrometer

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Technical Division Environmental Measurement Technologies
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Available in
German, English

This guideline describes the use of electrical mobility spectrometers to determine the number concentration and particle size distribution of particles in ambient air. It explains the measurement principle on which this measuring method is based, illustrates its application with examples and defines the relevant performance characteristics. With this method, it is possible to detect and count particles in the size range of approx. 3 nm to approx. 1 µm in the concentration range of approx 10(power of 2) cm(power of -3) to approx 10(power of 6) cm(power of -3). This method is also suitable for characterizing test aerosols.

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