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VDI 4656

Design and dimensioning of micro combined heat and power plants

At a glance

German title

Planung und Dimensionierung von Mikro-KWK-Anlagen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
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Available in
German, English

In the future, micro CHP plants are assumed to supply power and heat for single-family and multi-family houses. Planners and installers of the plants need to consider specific requirements regarding the design and dimensioning. Particularly the design of the electrical and thermal performance of the micro CHP device and the supplementary heater as well as the size of the heat storage unit and further required components have to be taken into account. The standard describes methods based on standard VDI 4655 for the use of the reference load profiles in standard application case. This allows to compare different micro CHP technologies and different dimensions of components with the same framework conditions in planning and dimensioning process. The necessary calculations including the generation of the reference load profiles are supported by a calculation program which is enclosed as CD-ROM in the standard. In object-related planning, the standard heating load of an object is determined for the design of the heat generator performance according to DIN 12831.

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