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VDI 4682 Blatt 1

Principles for servicing work on heat and power producers - Fundamentals and notes for the drafting of service contracts from the technical perspective

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German title

Grundsätze für Servicearbeiten an Wärme- und Stromerzeugern - Grundlagen und Hinweise zur Servicevertragsgestaltung aus technischer Sicht

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
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Available in
German, English

The costs for capital, fuel and service over the total service life of a heat and/or power generating system play a central role in the efficiency for those systems. For both plant operators and service providers the operating and consumption-linked service costs over the operating life of an installation are critical parameters. The standard provides assistance in designing a service contract and gives information about the manner, form and content of the service work. Users of this standard are plant operators, manufacturers, service providers and planners of heat and power systems. The standard includes a checklist for general service work, which applies to all heat and power systems.

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