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VDI 6011 Blatt 3 - Withdrawn without replacement

Optimization of daylighting and artificial lighting - Requirements for indoor greenery

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German title

Optimierung von Tageslichtnutzung und künstlicher Beleuchtung - Anforderungen der Innenraumbegrünung

Publication date
Withdrawal date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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German, English

The present guideline defines requirements relating to the provision of indoor plants with light, and deals with aspects of the use of daylight and artificial lighting. The guideline puts the plant at the centre-point of optimisation measures and will therefore apply to all types of building. Optimisation of lighting for indoor greenery should be harmonized with the actual uses of the building in question. For this reason, VDI 6011 Part 1 and VDI 6011 Part 2 should be taken into consideration in the concrete planning of buildings.

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