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VDI 6020

Requirements to be met by calculation methods for the simulation of thermal-energy efficiency of buildings and building installations

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German title

Anforderungen an thermisch-energetische Rechenverfahren zur Gebäude- und Anlagensimulation

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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Available in
German, English

This standard subsumes all requirements to be met by calculation methods for the simulation of the annual thermal-energy efficiency considering instationary processes. It serves to specify requirements to be met by algorithms and boundary conditions. A standardised validation method with test cases is given, which allows for a basic test of thermal-energy-efficiency simulation software including or excluding design calculations. Requirements for the proof of compliance with this standard are derived. Parts of this standard are based on VDI 6007 and VDI 2078.

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