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VDI/VDE 2617 Blatt 12.1

Accuracy of coordinate measuring machines - Characteristics and their checking - Acceptance and reverification tests for tactile CMM measuring microgeometries

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German title

Genauigkeit von Koordinatenmessgeräten - Kenngrößen und deren Prüfung - Annahme- und Bestätigungsprüfungen für Koordinatenmessgeräte zum taktilen Messen von Mikrogeometrien

Publication date
Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
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The guideline describes procedures for the examination of the efficiency of tactile coordinate measuring machines (CMM) of different designs for the measurement of micro geometry.By micro geometry thereby are usually understood geometries with dimensions of a few µm up to approx. 1 mm. The characteristics described in the guideline serve the specification of CMM´s as well as the comparison of different CMM´s. It is valid for: Acceptance tests for the examination of the CMM and its test head according to the data of the manufacturer, reverification tests for the regular examination of the CMM and its test head by the operator and intermediate tests for the monitoring of the CMM and its test head by the operator between the reverification tests.Tactile CMM for the measurement of micro geometry are seized, which due to the small dimensions of the test element and/or the test pin which can not be examined according to the procedures and artefacts described in DIN EN ISO 10360-2, DIN EN ISO 10360-5 and VDI/VDE 2617 part 2.1. Normally are these CMM´s, whose test element diameter is smaller or equivalent 0.3 mm or their test pin is smaller than 5 mm.

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