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VDI/VDE 2651 Blatt 1

Plant asset management (PAM) in the process industry - Definition, model, task, benefit

At a glance

German title

Plant Asset Management (PAM) in der Prozessindustrie - Definition, Modell, Aufgabe, Nutzen

Publication date
Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
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German, English

The principal purpose of the present standard is to harmonise and to bring forward the understanding of PAM for users and providers in the process industry. This standard mainly deals with assets (operating facilities) of the process industry. The manufacturing industry is not considered here, yet, discrete manufacturing processes as packaging lines in the pharmaceutical production are thoroughly included. Subsequently, the term "asset management" and its application will be delineated from other contexts, e.g. property management or investment banking.

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