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VDI/VDE 2656 Blatt 1

Determination of geometrical quantities by using of scanning probe microscopes - Calibration of measurement systems

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German title

Bestimmung geometrischer Messgrößen mit Rastersondenmikroskopen - Kalibrierung von Messsystemen

Publication date
Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
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Available in
German, English

Editorially revised version of the 2008 edition. This standard is restricted to scanning probe microscopes and their calibration. It covers the verification of the device characteristics necessary for the measurement of geometrical measurands, and the calibration of the axes of motion (x, y, z), i.e. the traceability to the unit of length via measurement on traceable lateral and step height standards. With the implementation of this standard the following objectives are pursued: increase in the comparability of measurements of geometrical quantities using scanning probe microscopes by traceability to the unit of length; definition of minimum requirements for the calibration process and the conditions of acceptance; ascertainment of the calibratability (assignment to calibratability categories); fixing of the scope of a calibration (conditions of measurement and environments, ranges of measurement, temporal stability, transferability); provision of a model according to GUM to calculate the uncertainty for simple geometrical quantities in measurements using a scanning probe microscope; definition of the requirements for a result report.

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