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VDI/VDE/DGQ/DKD 2622 Blatt 24.1

Calibration of measuring equipment for electrical quantities - DC and LF power meter

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German title

Kalibrieren von Messmitteln für elektrische Größen - Leistungsmessgeräte im Gleichstrom- und Niederfrequenzbereich

Publication date
Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
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German, English

This standard specifies a calibration procedure for the calibration of single- and multi-phase power meters. The standard covers power measuring instruments for measuring DC power, AC active power, AC reactive power and AC apparent power, power factor (phase angle) as well as all basic measurands contained therein (current and voltage) and all measurands derived from these (with or without external current transformers). If extra care is taken when connecting, this standard also applies to power-measuring instruments with no external energy supply (e.g. adapter plugs or rail systems).

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