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DIN EN 19694-5

Stationary source emissions - Determination of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in energy-intensive industries - Part 5: Lime industry; German version EN 19694-5:2016

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German title

Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung von Treibhausgasen (THG) aus energieintensiven Industrien - Teil 5: Kalkindustrie; Deutsche Fassung EN 19694-5:2016

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
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The verified standard covers the determination of the most significant GHG emissions and their sources during the (do)lime production process; starting in the quarry; and ending at the run-of-kiln (do)lime product. The standard also covers some optional common downstream processes such as "milling" and "hydration".

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