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VDI 2891 - Entwurf

Maintenance relevant criteria for purchase of machines

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Englischer Titel

Instandhaltungskriterien bei der Beschaffung von Investitionsgütern

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This standard applies to all areas where equipment is planned, manufactured, purchased, operated and maintained. It represents the general criteria for capital goods procurement and is a concentrated summary of the cost-bearing maintenance criteria for the procurer or operator and the supplier. The standard enables the manufacturer and the operator already in the planning phase to make the maintenance-relevant events of a production medium transparent and, if necessary, to formulate it in a contract. Thus, this stadnard provides the criteria and arguments for the life-cycle-oriented consideration. The document gives an indication of the costly investment-dependent criteria of maintenance. The standard is intended for maintenance service managers, maintenance staff, controlling, maintenance consulting.

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