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VDI 4451 Blatt 7

Compatibility of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS) - AGVS guidance control system

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Kompatibilität von Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen (FTS) - Leitsteuerung für FTS

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This guideline is a supplement to the existing guideline VDI 2510:1997 which describes the basic principles of automated guided vehicle systems (AGVSs). Figure 1 shows the components of an AGVS. Such highly demanding systems are mainly determined by their control components. In an AGVS, they are provided at two levels: The vehicle control system, described in the guideline VDI 4451 Part 4, is effective at the vehicle level (operative level of an AGVS). The higher-level guidance control system manages and controls the overall system AGVS (administrative level of an AGVS). This guidance control system is dealt with in this guideline. The definition of the AGVS guidance control system in relation to higher-order systems is given in the guideline VDI 4451 Part 5.

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