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VDI 5587 - Entwurf

Production supply systems - Basics, design, and practical examples

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Englischer Titel

Produktionsversorgungssysteme - Grundlagen, Gestaltung und Praxisbeispiele

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
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The standard deals with production supply systems. It defines basic terms, structures the subject area, describes the design alternatives and specifies their areas of application. It also contains selected practical examples. The standard, in addition to creating a uniform understanding of the term and providing a comprehensive overview of the design options, serves as a decision-making support when planning production supply. The standard is aimed at specialists who are entrusted with the planning of production supply systems and its principle is applicable to all forms of industrial production of piece goods. The production supply is structured on the basis of the logistics functions that are necessary between the factory boundary and the provision at the supply location for the fulfillment of the supply task. Different classes of concepts exist for them: procurement concepts; incoming goods concepts; concepts of in-house storage; concepts of in-house transshipment; concepts of in-house transport; deployment concepts. Finally, the specific advantages and disadvantages, application requirements, and suitability are summarized in tabular overviews.

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