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VDI/DKD 5901 Blatt 1

Calibration of test and measuring equipment in automotive - Fundamentals and decision rule

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Englischer Titel

Kalibrierung von Prüf- und Messmitteln im Kraftfahrwesen - Grundlagen und Entscheidungsregel

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Fahrzeug- und Verkehrstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

For the evaluation of calibration results for test and measuring equipment in the automotive sector, there are already specified tolerance values in the relevant directives and regulations; however, there is still no normative decision rule on how exactly the conformity statement is to be made. This standard offers a risk-dependent decision rule for the conformity statement and for the fulfilment of tolerance requirements. If the standard applies, further consideration of the risk is not necessary. In addition, information on recalibration intervals and accuracy requirements of test and measuring equipment in the automotive industry is listed. The standard is addressed to all those who calibrate or use measuring and test equipment in the automotive industry.

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