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VDI/VDE 3681 - Zurückziehung angekündigt

Classification and evaluation of description methods in automation and control technology

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Englischer Titel

Einordnung und Bewertung von Beschreibungsmitteln aus der Automatisierungstechnik

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The object of the guideline is the assessment of the suitability of a description method for a specific task. A methodology is described with which the suitability can be determined for various development activities or design phases. In this way, the user receives an aid which enables him to find his way round the variety of description methods which can hardly be grasped by the individual. The guideline is therefore not a reference work but requires the active application of the suggested methodology. The application of the assessment scheme, the interpretation of the results for the concrete task definition and the selection decision are left to the user of this guideline. For this reason, the guideline does not contain a complete catalogue of all the existing description methods. This would not be advisable due to the scope and continuous need for updates. The suggested assessment methodology, on the contrary, is presented in a compact format and can be used regardless of the further development and redevelopment of description methods. On the other hand, however, a purely theoretical presentation of the methodology is not useful. The guideline therefore contains a series of examples which illustrate the application of the assessment schematic. They represent only a small selection of the complete range of description methods available. A market survey was not carried out. The selection is based on the background knowledge of the members of the GMA expert committee and on the results of a questionnaire which was carried out by the committee.

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