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VDI 3475 Blatt 4

Emission control - Agricultural biogas facilities - Digestion of energy crops and manure

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Emissionsminderung - Biogasanlagen in der Landwirtschaft - Vergärung von Energiepflanzen und Wirtschaftsdünger

Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This guideline describes the state of the art of facilities producing biogas from agricultural products like liquid manure, slurry and solid manure (farm fertiliser) as well as silage, grain and corn (energy crops). The focus is on considerations of the resulting air pollutants such as odours, gaseous pollutants, dusts and bioaerosols. The description also includes the state of the art of dedicated biogas engines and their emissions. Target of the emission reduction measures of the considered facilities is the avoidance of hazardous environmental impacts, including odour annoyance to residents and operators and the emission of greenhouse gases.

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